Hello fellow book lovers, I hope everyone is reading lots of good books and is keeping cool in these dog days of summer. Recently, I have been spending a lot of time aimlessly put-ting around my house very bored but lacking the desire to pick up a new book. For the last couple of weeks I have been staring at my copy of
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver but am unable to start reading it. The ending of the last book left such a biter taste in my mouth that the process of reading this book seems daunting and unfulfilling.I started to read a few pages of the book when I first picked it up but after getting a couple chapters in I realized that, SPOILER, Lena was starting to fall for another boy that was not her boyfriend Alex who in the end of the first book we were made to believe had died. I have heard from a few other readers that the sequel, despite my apprehensions, is very good. Have any of you read it?
Amongst my laziness in these last few days, I rediscovered my little archaeology blog that I created for a class this last semester at University. It is unlike this blog in that it focuses on my love for ancient history and all things old, but I did manage to blog about some very interesting finds. The picture below shows a snapshot of my post on a skeleton found of a couple who were buried holding hands. Aw. This link if you would like to check out this blog is: http://manymindlessmusings.tumblr.com/
I am currently watching the movie Priest, I recommend it. It is a very interesting take on Vampires. If any of you have recommendation on some good movies, and I am all ears. Speaking of vampires I will leave you all with this fun little picture to ponder.
I haven't read the Lauren Oliver series yet, but I hope you like Pandemonium better than the first!